About us


Over the years, CELIANS has become a major reference in 10-4 high precision measuring for the industrials as well as testing laboratories with two ranges of products MEIRI and ANS. Therefore, CELIANS covers all needs in various application fields: aeronautics & aerospace, defence, energy, transport and a very wide spectrum of industrial applications. CELIANS stems from a know-how forged in 1974 in Paris, France, enriched with knowledge and new technologies. As part of a technical group specialized in infrastructure networks, CELIANS offers communicant measuring solutions.

2018 - Founding of CELIANS-shop.com (E-commerce)

2016 - SPHEREL Systems : Aquisition of CELIANS by SPHEREL Systems

2009 - Acquisition of MEIRI

2004 - Merger of CELI and ANS

1984 - Founding of MEIRI

1979 - Founding of CELI

1974 - Founding of ANS

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